About Kate
Kate is an inspiring Workplace Mental Health Consultant who is passionate about the wellbeing of others. She has over 20 years’ experience in an educational setting, working in the areas of Health and Physical Education, Health Promotion and Wellbeing Leadership. She has a thorough understanding of the theoretical aspects of Mental Health Illness and the issues these present and has successfully delivered Wellbeing material to both adolescent and adult audiences. Kate’s greatest strength and motivation as an educator is her ability to help others.
Kate worked for seven years as a Wellbeing Co-Ordinator at a Victorian High School. Her day to day work involved identifying and assessing the signs and symptoms of mental health issues, and accessing further support for those that required it. Kate is a Contract Consultant with the Victorian Chamber of Commerce delivering training in Workplace Mental Health. She also facilitates training in Workplace Mental Health for large Employee Assistance Program Providers (EAP).
“If we are aware of the needs of those around us we can then build on our capacity to help them. Whether they are family, friends or work colleagues there will always be people in your life that you can support.” Mental Health issues are common and support is available.

© Keir Sinclair Photography