© Keir Sinclair Photography
Workplace Wellbeing Workshops
The Workplace Wellbeing Workshops include :
The Secrets to Self Care: 1 – 2-hour workshop style presentation delivering information about workplace self care, work life balance and development of individual Self Care Plans for each employee.
Mentally Healthy Workplaces: 1 – 2-hour session covering the topics of Why? and How? A workplace should be mentally healthy. Mental Health Hazard awareness and building the business capacity to improve workplace wellness.
Trauma Informed Practice: 1-hour session covering the theory of trauma informed practice and how awareness and company procedures in this area can impact on the health and wellbeing of a workplace.
The above workshops are flexible in both time and topics and Be More Mindful consulting is more than happy to discuss a blend of information to suit the requirements of specific businesses.
Mental Health in the Workplace Policy development
Specific consulting service for development, writing and production of policy to suit business needs
For course information and costing please contact:
Kate Meadows
Director, Be More Mindful